  • The DefenseScoop Podcast

DOD acquisition chief on hypersonics; Future of BYOD at the Army

DefenseTalks is coming up on Thursday, September 15. DefenseScoop reporters Brandi Vincent and Mark Pomerleau preview what you’ll hear at the event.

The Army’s pilot program to let soldiers use their own devices is under way. Joel Bagnal, director of federal at SpyCloud and former principal homeland security and counterterrorism advisor to the President of the United States, discusses the return of “BYOD” across the Army and Department of Defense. 

Hypersonics is one of the U.S. military’s highest priorities as Russia and China test the technology too. Bill LaPlante, under secretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, tells DefenseScoop’s Jon Harper about the future of hypersonics in the military.

The DefenseScoop Podcast is available every week. Listen more here.

The DefenseScoop Podcast

Technology is no longer just an enabler for U.S. military services and defense agencies — it is essential to the mission of defense. Each week, DefenseScoop will publish a new podcast featuring leaders from the Department of Defense and defense industry on news, trends and insights related to the use of technology in top national security and defense initiatives and the future of U.S. military operations.
