  • The DefenseScoop Podcast

Exit interview with Air Force CIO Lauren Knausenberger

Department of the Air Force Chief Information Officer Lauren Knausenberger will be stepping down from her role in June, after almost three years at the helm and six years at the department.

Throughout her time as CIO, Knausenberger has been a vocal proponent of digital transformation and IT modernization efforts in support of airmen. 

Knausenberger joins the podcast to discuss how she came to her decision, the momentum she hopes continues with her successor and her biggest accomplishments in the role.

The DefenseScoop Podcast is available twice a month. Listen more here.

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The DefenseScoop Podcast

Technology is no longer just an enabler for U.S. military services and defense agencies — it is essential to the mission of defense. Each week, DefenseScoop will publish a new podcast featuring leaders from the Department of Defense and defense industry on news, trends and insights related to the use of technology in top national security and defense initiatives and the future of U.S. military operations.
