  • The DefenseScoop Podcast

Jumpstarting the innovation ecosystem in DOD; Obstacles to keeping military planes in the air

The Space Development Agency is looking to create an app factory for developing software to automate battle management networks. Following this year’s capstone Project Convergence experiment, Army leaders say there’s more work to be done managing data.

The Department of Defense says it’s rooting out a series of obstacles for cybersecurity companies to deal with the Pentagon. 

Steve Blank, co-creator of the Hacking for Defense and Hacking for Diplomacy, adjunct professor at Stanford University and co-founder of the Gordian Knot Center on National Security Innovation, discusses the trajectory for innovation in DOD.

DOD aircraft programs are struggling to keep their aircraft in the air. Only four out of 49 programs meet their mission capable goals most of the time.  

Diana Maurer, director of defense capabilities and management at the Government Accountability Office, explains what her team found about the mission readiness of military aircraft.

The DefenseScoop Podcast is available every week. Listen more here.

The DefenseScoop Podcast

Technology is no longer just an enabler for U.S. military services and defense agencies — it is essential to the mission of defense. Each week, DefenseScoop will publish a new podcast featuring leaders from the Department of Defense and defense industry on news, trends and insights related to the use of technology in top national security and defense initiatives and the future of U.S. military operations.
