
machine learning

An F-15E Strike Eagle from the 96th Test Wing’s 40th Flight Test Squadron at Eglin AFB, Florida flies in formation with an XQ-58A Valkyrie flown by artificial intelligence agents developed by the Autonomous Air Combat Operations, or AACO, team from AFRL. (U.S. Air Force photo)

Air Force flight tests AI agents with Valkyrie drone

The Air Force on July 25 conducted a three-hour flight test of a XQ-58A Valkyrie drone that was controlled by algorithms developed by AFRL.
Crews of the National Space Defense Center at provide threat-focused space domain awareness across the nation security space enterprise. The NSDC was originally established in 2015 as the Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center and was renamed in 2017 to more accurately reflect its mission. (U.S. Space Force photo by Kathryn Damon)

A look at Space Operations Command’s ‘needs list’ for AI, machine learning

In a list obtained by DefenseScoop, SpOC outlines the top 10 areas where AI and ML technology could be implemented to improve operations.